When a gorgeous plate is presented to me, sometimes I just have to close my eyes for a few seconds. I can’t help it; I get so excited for what is about to come. It’s as if I am preparing myself for a crazy make-out session with a delicious, fantastic lover. I know it’s going to be extremely satisfying. I am excited, anxious, wanting to keep it going on for as long as I can in order to stretch out the pleasure. When I reopen my eyes it’s like awaking to a perfect caress. This dish was divine. The Chef was attentive with every component. Exacting standards coupled with a fiery passion; a personal love poem from the Chef to me. “Mmmm, what’s that you say lover”? Oh you are so gorgeous and I just know you are going to thrill me in every way.
I grab my chest and take in a deep breath, pick up my fork and close my eyes once again. OK, I think I’m ready to taste and feel the delight of this dish. Seductively I stare at this gorgeous plate of foie gras, “come here my darling”. Fireworks go off as I gently ease my fork out of my mouth. I close my eyes again, this dish is orgasmic. I whisper to my dinner partner, “don’t speak”…”shhhhhhhh”, he understands completely and I can’t even make eye contact with him, I am in my own little world and I sort of feel naked and vulnerable in a very intimate way. And yes I love it!
Prepared two ways, seared and as a terrine accompanied by perfect brioche pillows and a gentle marmalade. Smooth and velvety; perfect in every way…from a Crush to a masterful lover!
What's next? Thinking about wine and lovers…if I were to describe myself as a lover in wine I think I would be a Red Zinfandel, "fruity and spicey”.
What do you think you would be?
My God!!!! I want to know what you were eating!!!, beautifully written! !, tell me about the food that is bringing these emotions out in you, cause.... i want me some of that!!!